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Independent Verification Agency Services

Export Inspections 

NZBSL are authorised by MPI to inspect plants and plant products exported from New Zealand.

Our professional team of inspectors work closely with you to ensure hassle free, flexible and timely completion of onsite ‘End Point Inspections’ and product security checks. Inspections are competed in accordance with MPI’s Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPR).


Certificate Verification 

We verify phytosanitary certificates on behalf of MPI.

Use NZBSL to ensure your phytosanitary certificate (ePhyto) requests are processed on time every time.

What is Export Phytosanitary Certification?

Phytosanitary certification relates to the provision of government to government assurances for plants and plant products.

Its purpose is to ensure export consignments comply with the requirements of the importing country, and are free of unwanted pests, diseases or other contaminants.

What is a Phytosanitary Certificate?

Some importing countries require a phytosanitary certificate for plants and plant products (this includes forestry products).

The certificate helps confirm that the importing countries plant health requirements have been met.


Phytosanitary requirements differ between countries. Some countries only require you to get a phytosanitary certificate for certain products.

How to identify Phytosanitary Requirements for a Country?

MPI identify the requirements of export markets within a set of documents called Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPR).

The ICPR will tell you if you need a phytosanitary certificate and what conditions must be met within New Zealand before the consignment is exported

If an ICPR doesn't identify the product you wish to product, check with your importer or importing agent about what you need to do.

Link to ICPR’s upon the MPI website here

Get in touch

To discuss how we can assist with export certification requirements, please contact us on 09 447 1998 or email

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